4. Command line programs

4.1. CO2TAB

Write CO2TAB in target directory.

usage: toughio-co2tab [-h] path

4.5.1. Positional Arguments

path directory path

4.2. Export

Export TOUGH simulation results to a file for visualization.

usage: toughio-export [-h] [--mesh MESH] [--time-step TIME_STEP]
                      [--output-file OUTPUT_FILE]
                      [--file-format {tecplot,vtk,vtu,xdmf}]

4.5.1. Positional Arguments

infile TOUGH output file

4.5.2. Named Arguments

--mesh, -m pickled toughio.Mesh
--time-step, -t
 time step to export
--output-file, -o
 exported file
--file-format, -f

Possible choices: tecplot, vtk, vtu, xdmf

exported file format

Default: “vtk”

4.3. Extract

Extract results from TOUGH main output file and reformat as a TOUGH3 CSV output file.

usage: toughio-extract [-h] [--output-file OUTPUT_FILE]
                       [--file-format {csv,tecplot,petrasim}]
                       [--label-length {5,6,7,8,9}] [--split] [--connection]
                       infile mesh

4.5.1. Positional Arguments

infile TOUGH output file
mesh TOUGH MESH file (can be INFILE)

4.5.2. Named Arguments

--output-file, -o
 TOUGH3 element output file
--file-format, -f

Possible choices: csv, tecplot, petrasim

exported file format

Default: “csv”

--label-length, -l

Possible choices: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

number of characters in cell labels

--split, -s

write one file per time step

Default: False

--connection, -c

extract data related to connections

Default: False

4.4. Merge

Merge input file, MESH and/or INCON into a single file. The files must be in the same directory.

usage: toughio-merge [-h] infile outfile

4.5.1. Positional Arguments

infile TOUGH input file
outfile merged TOUGH input file


Convert a SAVE file to an INCON file.

usage: toughio-save2incon [-h] [--reset] infile outfile

4.5.1. Positional Arguments

infile SAVE file to convert
outfile converted INCON file

4.5.2. Named Arguments

--reset, -r

reset all counters

Default: False